Joel and Blaiks Model Portfolio building notes 1

Aside portfolio building and promotions
Joel and Blaiks is also a casting agency
Meaning we do model casting for clients in the creative agencies involved in TVC,  that is TV commercials

And the first stage of screening is from the nature of pictures sent to client

Some would have been very great actors and probably selected for the commercial shoot
But due to the pictures sent when responding to the bc they would already be disqualified

Same with some ushering and modeling jobs

Especially fashion shoots

Imagine sending a picture for casting and a professional model sends a snapchat picture with all the "ugwu" leaves on her head

Be rest assured I or any member of the team won't send that to client

As a model or aspiring model,  your portfolio speaks for you even before you get the chance of opening your mouth or meeting the client

It is your brand

It defines you

The nature of your portfolio says who you are, how bold are you, how versatile and confident you are

Over the years of doing online casting

We've also had cases of models saying I just got a new phone, I lost all my contacts and pictures

Scenarios like this is where an E-Folio is relevant

An e-folio is an electronic portfolio
It is the ability to be able to access your portfolio pictures anywhere in the world, any time

Meaning,  at the click of a website or even better, by just entering your name on Google, your pictures are visible on the image section of Google

A good example is this

If you may,  just type FAVOUR KAK on Google and check out the image section

That's a models portfolio available online, real time

And finally

As a model, professional or aspiring,  what does your instagram page say about you

In the current electronic world,  your instagram page is your complementary card
It's where I should go and understand who you are and what you can do

If this being so, imagine a models page being placed on private...  Like seriously...

In this noisy world, you have only 7 seconds to make an impression

Make the right one


Joel and Blaiks
Fashion. Modeling. Photography.
Instagram @joelandblaiks @joelandblaiksmodels


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