Launching a modeling career is tricky enough, but you'll make it even harder if you don't have a portfolio.

Before putting together a modeling portfolio, it is important to know what type of modeling you can do.

A portfolio of a Freelance model would probably include a variety of different types of photos, while a portfolio of a high fashion model would have high fashion images, and so on.

So be realistic from the very onset of your career to avoid any setbacks or rejections due to the fact that you are attempting to enter a type of modeling that is not best suited for you.

You should know that your modeling portfolio is a true first impression of yourself as a model.

A portfolio will always be the first thing that agencies and clients look at before they even choose to see you in person. And for that reason, it is highly recommended to focus on the building of an impressive modeling portfolio that will enable you to establish a successful career as a model.

Pay attention to the quality of the photos you choose to include in your portfolio. These photos need to impress agencies and clients alike and make you stand out from the rest. So always aim to project the best possible image of yourself.

Always keep in mind that the purpose of a modelling portfolio is not only to show your good looks, but it should also demonstrate your ability to portray different characters, age ranges and personality. For this reason you should include good headshots without makeup, these are called Polaroids, and a wide range of different concepts. If looking to go into advert modeling, then you must include commercial concept photo shoots in your portfolio

It's also important to have good body shots, with swimwear or tight-fitting clothes, especially if you plan to apply to the larger model markets.
In terms of the type of photos to include in your model portfolio, there are no specific rules that you should follow, but just remember to keep your portfolio as professional as possible by only including high quality photos.

Do not feel pressured to include pictures where you are in a swimsuit or lingerie, unless that is the type of modeling you want to work in.

As long as you know what type of modeling you are looking to do, that should be enough to give you some direction as to what kind of pictures to include.

But note that the more versatile your portfolio is, the wider the network created in getting calls from agents

Be creative and bold in your portfolio, and make sure you regularly update and promote them.

Also be very active on social media with regular postings of your portfolio and jobs done

All the best in your career

Joel & Blaiks
Fashion. Modeling. Photography
Instagram @joelandblaiks @joelandblaiksmodels
Whatsapp 09021301654



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